About South Pine City Farm

We aspire to improve our levels of agricultural efficiency as organic growers and stewards of the land, and whenever possible to learn from farmers with many more years of experience. Joel has been growing and learning hands on in vegetable gardens since 2013, beginning with backyard growing and ever since have been working towards a modest livelihood of substance that only sustainable organic agriculture and an ethical Earth-friendly living can provide. Trish initiated our participation at South Pine St Farm in 2015 and has been instrumental with local community outreach, composting and numerous other indispensable urban farm activities. More about Trish pending. At S.Pine St. Farm, we aim to become a growing dynamic influence in the growing and distribution of nutritious wholesome fresh vegetables and herbs. We enjoy working outside, in contact with natural beauty and the elements. Being physically active at work is key to our health and wellness, thus to productivity. Usually the outdoor season begins around Spring Equinox (weather permitting), continuing on through Fall and up to the Winter Solstice. Core values in gardening and agriculture include an appreciation of natural aesthetics, high standards of land upkeep, a wholesome and sanitary farm environment, and purity in our produce. We aim to meet public interests concerning clean, green, ethical growing means, and the ever increasing local demands for fresh foods.

The Water-Soluble Vitamins: C and B Complex

Leafy greens like Kale are a food source of healthy B vitamins without need for taking extra vitamin supplements. Optimal bioavailability via effective digestive assimilation make organic fresh food consumption the most efficient means to good nutrition

<<There are nine water-soluble vitamins in the human diet. This article examines each in detail, letting you know the best sources and how much you need.>>
— Read on www.healthline.com/nutrition/water-soluble-vitamins


Why Farming?

Jean Martin Fortier in his videos and book speaks of the necessity of the ‘why’ as providing clarification for the ‘what’ and ‘how’, in any chosen activity or career field. Upon learning to perfect one’s chosen craft, it is not enough to seek success for the sake of ego alone. What difference are we really making, especially when profit is not an option (as with beginning and apprentice farmers) and what can we do better to justify the time and labor invested in a line of work where even one’s bosses from other jobs at best are just breaking even?

If the Monsantos of this corporate driven world have cornered the food market then what do small organic local farmers have to offer and contribute, minus the motive of seeking profits which frankly is no more effective than attempting to draw blood from a stone. In a market atmosphere where local organic food production has taken off on so many fronts, as recently it has here in Kingston, having not only the farmer’s market to contend with but other such reputable urban institutions like the Farm Hub, the YMCA farm project, Seedsong farm and others, one is inevitably led to view farming no longer in the light of ambition and profits but rather in terms of aspiration and finding effective methods of distribution.

What we’ve decided for 2020 is that the old ways of operating are just that, irrelevant to the demands of the present. If the purpose of a livelihood is not readily satisfied then clearly just one purpose remains and that is to be most useful in making fresh food increasingly more available to those most in need of it, earning just enough to keep the enterprise going indefinitely. It has become clear to us after five years that there is no other motivation besides this, where money is not and cannot be a driving motivational factor.

To farm with a purpose IS the real purpose, upon which all other future endeavors depend, while we otherwise support ourselves through other important jobs which serve as our means of financial sustenance. In our sixth year at South Pine Street Farm it’s become clear that no lesser purpose is worthwhile if continuing to farm is our intention.

2020 will be the deciding factor for where we choose to go from here, having always the backup option of blissful backyard gardening and growing at home as a viable alternative to fall back on. To contemplate what one can get from long hours of laboring is far less to the point than is figuring out what one is able to give, as being the truest definition of true success.

Joel D. Zenie

Farm Efficiency from a Bird’s Eye View: Five Preparation Factors


J.M. Fortier (author of “The Market Gardener”) gives developing and aspiring young farmers a clear and insightful look at foundations for a productive and efficiently run farm. A farming atmosphere free from the stressful working conditions which arise out of disorganized work habits. While the emphasis here is about reflecting upon tasks and areas needing improvement, I prefer to think of this subject and information (positively) as communicating to us the “5 ways to maximize/master and maintain functional fitness when working on your farm”. Skillful intelligent planning is perhaps the most important issue brought to light.   Jdz

2018: End of Year Reflections on Resilience, Commitment and going the Long Haul

As individuals we’re independent, solitary and low key yet friendly, down to earth “everyday people”. Presently as farmers we aspire to create for ourselves ample opportunities to be useful in serving the organic local fresh food needs of local people. Inspired by so many others before us, we hope to eventually steward more of the land and sustain a livelihood of substance and nourishment that only nature and sustainable agriculture can provide. In this way becoming a dynamic and positive influence in the growing and promoting of locally sourced fresh food, at affordable prices.

Aspirations manifest out of inspiration and deep appreciation for the work itself, thus brighter and kinder values of cooperation outweigh the old mindset of competition and divisive “us versus them” comparisons. To be better or best at one’s occupation is not about outshining others nor about crushing competitors, but to embrace all opportunity for learning at each moment by way of clear and intelligent observation(s). Then by further practice to become a benevolent source of life sustenance that addresses real world problems with positive practical solutions.

True success comes from total commitment and thus a continued enthusiasm/fascination with the work itself. We are presently a work in progress, driven to be ever more mindfully attentive and productive in the garden, devoting ourselves wholeheartedly to the many tasks at hand that go into any labor of love. Slow and steady progress allows for learning of all that is involved in truly committing ourselves to the long haul. The joy and meaning inherent in the journey itself, however hard and laborious at times, makes it more than worthwhile to carry on.

Joel D. Zenie